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Skin Care and Healing

Skin is your body’s largest organ and the one most visible to you and everyone you meet. The condition of your skin communicates your mood and physical state. No wonder we see so many products advertised to create or maintain “beautiful, radiant skin.” We all want to look our best. Skin care and healing are […]

Naturopathic Doctors

In short, naturopathic doctors or NDs design treatments that work with your vital force. Our patients’ mental, physical, and spiritual wellnesses are considered to create true healing systems that stimulate, increase, and support your body’s natural restorative abilities. Naturopathic doctors are trained at accredited, four-year, post-graduate, residential medical programs. There, anatomy, cardiology, gastroenterology, gynecology, immunology, […]

Holistic Health

An Approach to Life This is an exciting moment in the history of medicine! Now, more than ever, individuals are able to access an array of methods for sustaining and restoring health. Treatments ranging from A (aromatherapy) to Z (Zen) meditation are hunkered under the umbrella of holism. The term “holistic” is often used as […]

Naturopathic Weight Loss

Happy Fourth of July! I hope you all find time to relax and enjoy the upcoming holiday weekend. Did you set a goal to look and feel your best this season? If so, read on to find out how you can achieve and sustain an attractive figure and healthy weight the natural way. Unlike traditional […]

The History of Acupuncture

The first known writing on acupuncture is found in the Huangdi Neiijing, a tradition Chinese medical book written over 2,000 years ago. This book revolutionized the treatment of disease by looking at how the nature of one’s diet, lifestyle, emotions, environment, age, and heredity effect health. The second part of the Huangdi Neijing is called […]

Take A Summer Vacation From Smoking

…AND BREATH EASIER FOR A LIFETIME Summer is a great time to kick a smoking habit. Why? The season’s long days are nature’s antidepressants, and studies show that stress and negative moods cause 70% of relapse among smokers. Take advantage of your sunny disposition this season, and take a vacation from cigarettes. What Should You […]

Discover Your Ayurvedic Mental and Physiological Type

Welcome to Integrative Med’s first interactive blog! You’ll need a pen and a paper scrap to continue this test that will reveal what your tendencies say about your health. Choose the description on the right that is the closest match for your body and behaviors. When you tally your “V’s,” “P’s,” and “K’s,” you’ll discover […]

Natural Stress Busters

Whatever it is that stresses you out, you can thank your cave-dwelling ancestors for those headaches, mood swings, and racing thoughts. Back then sticky palms were great for climbing, constricted blood vessels prevented blood loss in case of injury, and blood sugar surged to promote peak physical performance. A fight-or-flight response was extremely effective in […]

Cleansing the Liver for Spring

The liver performs over 500 known functions everyday. It operates as a chemical factory producing hormones, enzymes, and bile. It is a filter that neutralizes toxins and a “battery” that stores back-up nutrients. It’s the largest internal organ in the human body, and it has the ability to regenerate itself fully, even if 75% the […]

Natural Allergy Relief

April is here! They say that April showers bring May flowers, but flowers do not bloom by rains alone. April’s pollen has a lot to do with it. As the trees, weeds, and grasses around us come to life, carpets of yellow appear on our lawns and driveways. Pollen prompts some immune systems to work […]