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266 White Plains Rd., B-1, Eastchester, NY 10709

ParasitesParasite infestation may be caused by such things as contaminated food or water, animal or sexual contact, a bug bite or environmental exposure. Symptoms consist of: gastrointestinal disorders, musculoskeletal pain, chronic headache, anemia, allergies, skin reactions, chronic fatigue, immune dysfunction or sometimes mental conditions. Conventional medicine uses powerful drugs to flood the system and drive out parasites. Although the result may be rapid the lasting effects of not only the medications but the chance of parasites returning can, in some cases, be high. Integrative Med Solutions (IMS) relies on an arsenal of acupuncture and naturopathic medicine to incorporate a deep, natural cleanse to attempt to restore your system to complete homeostasis as well as maintaining optimal future health.

Acupuncture: Strengthening the Immune System for Parasite Removal

Parasites can break down tissue or slowly tax the system by feeding off it at a very slow rate. However, like any living organism, parasites also produce waste. Some theories attribute various conditions and even diseases to the body’s reaction to parasitical waste which include headaches, nervousness, joint pain and more. Licensed acupuncturist, Dr. Lisanti uses specific meridian points to boost the immune system’s response to this waste by increasing white blood cell response. Stomach (ST36) just below the outside knee is a popular point for boosting the immune system. Other points include: Large Intestine (LI4); Spleen (SP6) and Lung (LU7).

Botanical Medicine: Herbs and More for Parasite Removal

IMS uses a multitude of botanical remedies for treatment of parasites. One particularly effective choice is oil of oregano. In a study out of Georgetown University it was found that oil of oregano inhibited the growth of staphylococcus bacteria. Oregano’s compounds, thymol and carvacrol also discourage parasitical expansion. Other herbal extracts that have been documented as helping intestinal parasites include garlic, olive leaf, wormwood, plant tannins and citrus seed.

Detoxification: Cleansing the System of Parasites

Dr. Lisanti will assess your possible parasite caused symptoms through a detailed health history intake. Afterwards, a detoxification program may be suggested consisting of one or more days of possible juicing, filtered water, cleansing and preventative tips on how to avoid parasites. Natural supplements such as psyllium seeds, beetroot, pumpkin seeds and flaxseeds may be used to purify the intestines as well as blood or other vital portions of your system.

Nutraceutical Supplementation: Avoiding Parasites

IMS offers a wide range of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes that can assist the body in shedding as well as avoiding parasite infestation. Probiotics are one of the major players in combating parasite overload as they are good bacteria that can balance possible gastrointestinal upheaval. Another nutraceutical supplement that can assist in helping the body against unwanted microorganisms is goldenseal (hydrastis canadensis). This supplement contains berberine which has been shown to be active against the parasitical conditions Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia, and Plasmodium. Note: Goldenseal as well as any alternative therapy should be used only under the supervision of a professional naturopathic doctor such as Dr. Lisanti.

These are only a few of the many available tools IMS may use for a parasite condition. At Integrative Med Solutions, we will design an acupuncture and naturopathic treatment program that works for you.  In many cases, insurance covers portions of the acupuncture treatment. Allow us to support you to achieve optimal health.  To make an appointment or find out more about how acupuncture and naturopathic medicine can benefit you, please call our office at 914.337.2980 or click here to schedule an online appointment.

*Please CLICK HERE to see a current list of In-Network Insurance Companies for Acupuncture that we participate with as well as insurance companies that commonly have Out-of-Network benefits. Please call 914.337.2980 or securely email to verify your specific benefits. If you are emailing, please include your full name, date of birth and insurance identification card number.