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266 White Plains Rd., B-1, Eastchester, NY 10709

Sports Injury Rehabilitation
Sports Injury RehabilitationYou can be a weekend warrior or a once a week weightlifter but there is a high probability that eventually, musculoskeletal challenges will impede what you love to do.

Sports injury rehabilitation with Dr. Lisanti can get your system up and running again while at the same time address areas you might have never considered a problem.

Treatment may consist of one or several approaches that can enhance range of motion, new form techniques as well as exercises to avoid any future injuries. In addition, a natural pain management program individually prepared by Dr. Lisanti will smooth the road to recovery, possibly bringing you out of the other side stronger and smarter than ever before.

Acupuncture and Nutraceutical Supplementation
Acupuncture is often highly beneficial for sports injury rehabilitation. Within a short treatment period this ancient practice can open up and strengthen areas that have been locked, frozen, weakened or more. Interestingly, acupuncture compliments the use of western medication so if you are currently taking anti-inflammatory or muscle relaxant prescriptions there is no need to immediately stop your protocol. However, by also implementing nutraceutical supplementation there is a possibility for you to replace your meds with a natural approach. When this therapy is implemented under the watchful eye of Dr. Lisanti, side effects that you may have experienced from prior medications will most likely be eliminated. This is because nutraceuticals use vitamin, mineral, enzyme, plant and/or animal formulas that are embraced by the body rather than forced upon it. A sports injury needs time to heal and with the best individual treatment formulated to your specific ailment, healing may be accelerated and pain may diminish.

Detoxification for Joints
By adhering to a nutritional intake change Dr. Lisanti is capable of using the simplicity of proper food combination or withdrawal to ease joint suffering. This can be highly beneficial when confronted with a sports injury. A slight adjustment in your diet can have the capability to also quell inflammation, increase lubrication and support range of motion as you recover.

*Please CLICK HERE to see a current list of Insurance Companies that commonly carry acupuncture benefits for its members. Please call 914.337.2980 or securely email to verify your specific benefits. If you are emailing, please include your full name, date of birth and insurance identification card number.